
Time Management

Time Management

Where did all the time go? I will never get caught up! There are not enough hours in a day. Sound familiar? Today, the management of time is more critical than ever. 

Time Management

Nearly 40% of our average workday consists of unexpected interruptions or issues we have not scheduled or allocated an amount of time for completion of a task. At truck dealerships, this variable of unexpected interruptions occurs with the presence of every customer that comes to the dealership in need of something. Unscheduled, or wanting to be scheduled. 

We have become conditioned to view this customer or this occurrence of his visit as an interruption in our day. If an appropriate amount of time is set aside to facilitate this interruption of need, it no longer becomes an unexpected interruption. Instead, it can become a welcomed and profitable opportunity. 

Scheduling too many tasks in a day is not healthy. "Sandbagging" or leaving our daily schedule extremely open with few responsibilities can be viewed as laziness or the exhibition of a nonchalant attitude. 

The key to good time management is the plotting of our most important responsibilities into manageable time allocations. 

If your schedule suggests that it is time to complete one of these responsibilities and a certain amount of time has been allocated, then that responsibility must be executed. 

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My Profit People, a comprehensive dealership training process, offers 12 modules of training focusing on the advancement of every one of your associates.
12 Additional modules will be added in 2026.
6 Additional modules will be added in 2027.

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