Please and thank you are mentioned very infrequently. Sitting up straight and showing interest in a meeting can be as important as actually being there. All dealership associates taking this class are "someone else's" customer outside of the dealership. Never has the golden rule been more applicable.
Etiquette, protocols and for that matter, expectations continue to become reduced in today's business world. The internet, artificial intelligence and the "hurry up" and wait game has created a back seat for good manners and the observance of protocols. In the old business world, if you were not 15 minutes early for a meeting you were considered late. Today, if all of the attendees invited to a meeting make the meeting on time, it is considered a modern-day miracle.
This module is designed to reset the stage of ongoing etiquette, the following of protocols and procedures and provides guidelines for a return to normal decency, respect and good communication skills.
It's never too late to establish expected etiquette and protocols. For those who exhibit these skills, this module will reinforce what an associate already knows. For those who have not been exposed to consistent good etiquette and protocols, this module will set the stage for good things to come. Those good things are almost always recognized by the customer.
My Profit People, a comprehensive dealership training process, offers 12 modules of training focusing on the advancement of every one of your associates.
12 Additional modules will be added in 2026.
6 Additional modules will be added in 2027.